March Gamsat Results Are Out – What To Do Now?


So, you’ve received your GAMSAT results… Yay!

Our greatest wish is that you are happy with them.

And if not, that’s ok too. This article will show you what to do no matter what your score.

But first thing’s first: congratulations on getting this far. You’re one step closer to your dream of being a doctor.

And now, it’s time to get your skates on. 

Because what you may not realise is that the time you’ve got to apply (your next step for getting into Medical School) is short. 

Part 1: What to do when you get your results

Tick tock: let’s be real, this is going to be a much quicker process than your GAMSAT prep was. 


You’ve got until the 31st of May to complete your GEMSAS applications which means (at most) you’ve got two-weeks to get your applications ready if you’re applying to a GEMSAS school.


And if you’re looking at a non-GEMSAS school, applications close at different times depending on the school, starting in June.


Either way, there really isn’t much time.


Here’s what to do now:


Step 1. Get clear on your GAMSAT results (and what they mean).


When you get your GAMSAT results, you’ll see you’ve been given 4 scores:

  • A section 1 score
  • A section 2 score
  • A section 3 score
  • And an overall score


Most schools will use what’s called a weighted overall GAMSAT score. 

This is the overall score you were given from ACER on the results card. It is called ‘weighted’ because Section 3 is worth twice as much as the other section.

They calculate your weighted or overall score by using the following calculation:

(1 × Section I + 1 × Section II + 2 × Section III) ÷ 4


On the other hand, an unweighted GAMSAT score is where each section is worth the same amount, and is simply the average of all three scores. 

The unweighted GAMSAT score is calculated as per the following: 

(1 × Section I + 1 × Section II + Section III) ÷ 3


Do yourself a favour and write down your weighted and unweighted scores now. 


Step 2. Understand your GPA


Understanding your GPA can be complicated depending on the length and type of degree(s) you’ve completed, as well as the medical school you want to attend. 

So, you’ll want to first look up the individual schools entry requirements here.

Next, the way you calculate your GPA will depend on whether you’re looking at a GEMSAS and Non-GEMSAS medical school (That’s right, just to make things even more complicated for you, each school will often have their own way of calculating GPAs). 

So the GPA you were given by your university may be different to that used for medical school applications.


Generally speaking there are two different types of GPAs: weighted and unweighted.


An unweighted GPA is the least common GPA, and is based an average of your last three years at Uni:


GPA = (GPAFinal-2 year + GPAFinal-1 year + GPAFinal year)/3


A weighted GPA is what’s used by most schools, and puts extra emphasis on the later years:


GPA = ((GPAFinal-2 year x1) + (GPAFinal-1 year x2)) + (GPAFinal year x3))/6


GEMSAS has an online GPA calculator. 


Step 3. Get clear on your standing with each medical school (GEMSAS and non-GEMSAS). 


Next up, head back to our Med School summary to compare your GAMSAT score and GPA with what the medical schools require for their applications. 

Here’s the link again to see them all side-by-side here 


Step 4. Decision time! Should you apply?


Even if you’ve checked the requirements and don’t appear to meet them we believe, unless you outright failed a section, you should still apply.

So in most cases, you’ll want to move on to Step 5. 

But if you did fail, then don’t worry, we’ve got you covered in the next section. 


Step 5. Complete the applications process by the due date

Again, if you would like help with this process because you’re not sure, or your marks are low or borderline or you just want to do your best, then you can talk to one of our team here 

What if my score is too low to apply?


Welcome to the club!


As bad as it feels (and sounds), many of us have been there. It’s ok. It’s not good, but it’s an experience that many future medical schools have had, including our very own Dr Tom.


Here’s what to do if your score is too low:


Step 1 – It’s ok to feel disappointed.


This means a lot to you so you’re probably upset. Or maybe you did it as a trial so it’s water off a duck’s back. Either way, feeling the feels is definitely the first step.


Step 2 – Start preparing for the September GAMSAT ASAP. 


I can’t stress this enough: there’s no time to waste! 


Step 3 – Make a list of all the things you need to do differently to increase your GAMSAT score.


Hopefully you wrote down all your lessons, insights and things to work on after your GAMSAT as we suggested. Either way, do a deep-dive into each section of the GAMSAT and consider:


  • What went well in your preparation last time?
  • What was missing?
  • What did you struggle with?
  • What skills in each section were you missing?
  • What score do you want to hit in the next GAMSAT?
  • How much time are you willing to commit to your gamsat study each week?


Step 4 – Get some help! 

Book a complimentary tutoring session with our team to create a new study plan so that you’re not repeating the same mistakes you made the first (or any previous) time(s) you’ve tackled the GAMSAT. 


Remember what Einstein said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”


What about after the applications?


Most people will wait for the interview offers…


Unless you want to get ahead of your competition.


Hear me out…


Your interview scores count for as much as your GPA and GAMSAT result — sometimes even more — so it’s important that you put in the time and effort now to prepare for them. 


And if you wait for the interview offers to come out, you’ll have very little time. 


For example, if it’s GEMSAS school you’re applying to, then they usually release their interview offers in late August. And then the interviews are then held in September. Leaving you maybe two to three weeks to prep.


For non-GEMSAS schools who hold interviews, it’s much the same.

How to get ahead of the rest


Start preparing for your interviews before you get an invite! Like, today.


If you would like help with your interview preparation you can get it here

What if I don’t get an interview?


You know that old saying? “Nothing ventured, nothing gained!”


Seriously, well done for giving it a go!


Don’t stress too much. Many doctors and current medical students experienced this before finally succeeding. 


And if becoming a doctor is important to you, then your next step is identify why you didn’t receive an interview. Ask yourself the following questions:


Was my GAMSAT score competitive enough? 


The truth is, although most schools will list a ‘minimum’ GAMSAT score required to apply, it doesn’t usually reflect how competitive you need to be. For example, one school might say a 50 in each section and 50 overall but the reality is it needs to be much higher to secure a position.


Which makes increasing your GAMSAT score the easiest factor to improve. If this is the case, then see the 4 steps in the above question “What if my score is too low to apply?”


Was my GPA competitive enough?


Again, the medical schools list a ‘minimum’ GPA to apply, such as a 5.2 or 5.5 but doesn’t reflect the true competitiveness. The calculations also vary between the schools and some increase your GPA depending on your other academic experiences, such as a PhD.


Your GPA can be harder to increase. However, now that you GAMSAT score lasts for 4 years in most cases, you have time to work on your GPA while still keeping a current GAMSAT score.


What if my GAMSAT score and GPA are BOTH competitive?


It’s very possible that you missed out because of the preference order you selected in GEMSAS. Or it was based on the bonuses. It’s hard to make a generalisation here because each individual applications and most of the schools are different.


The best thing to do is have a conversation with our team to figure out what happened and what to do differently moving forward

What if I get an interview offer?


Firstly, celebrate! Yippee! 


You’re up to the last stage of this very long, and very competitive journey. Making it this far is a BIG deal. HOWEVER, don’t celebrate too long! You most likely only have a couple weeks to prepare for your interview. And remember, your interview score is worth as much as your GPA or GAMSAT score – sometimes as much as both of them combined!


So (are you sensing a trend here?) begin your preparation ASAP!


We can help you with our Interview Bootcamp program. It covers all the ins and outs of crushing your interview and getting the score you need. 

Start by having a free tutoring session with our team about how your should prepare for your medical school.

What happens after interviews?


Ok, this is the only time you’ll hear us say this: there is nothing left for you to do.


You have done everything you can and it’s out of your hands now. All you can honestly do is wait for the offers to be released.

(Now is a great time to start a new hobby to keep you distracted!)


GEMSAS schools release their offers in early-mid November each year.


And the Non-GEMSAS schools vary as per the following:

USyd release their offers in early September.

Flinders – end of October.

Monash – mid-December

UTas – December

What if I don’t get an offer after my interview?


There’s no easy way to say this but you’ll get what’s often referred to as the “email of death.”

It’s the email that GAMSAT candidates receive from GEMSAS (Graduate Entry Medical School Admissions System) after the interview process, informing them that they have not been offered a place in any of the medical programs to which they applied.




The term “email of death” is used somewhat humorously to describe the disappointment and frustration that some candidates feel upon receiving this news. 

But that doesn’t mean your dream is over! 

It’s important for candidates to remember that there are often other pathways to achieving their goals, and that they should seek advice and support from trusted sources before making any decisions about their future studies and career.


Also, there are also the Non-GEMSAS medical schools which you may have applied to. You can also receive an offer from one or more of them.

What happens when you DO get an offer for a position?


Guess what?! 

You’re going to be a doctor! You made it!


Now, all you have to do is exactly what they tell you to for the next 4 years and after all that, you’ll be a doctor, Doctor! 


High five! 


One last thing: if this blog post has been helpful, can you do us a favour and please share it? We put a lot of time, thought and effort into making it useful and interesting (and update regularly). We genuinely want to help as many people become doctors as possible. So you sharing this will help. A LOT. 


Thank you and good luck! 

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